My New Happy: Spring Hopping With The Blended Blog

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Spring Hopping With The Blended Blog

Happy Tuesday!  Today I'm spring hopping with my friends at The Blended Blog.  If you're coming from TBB, welcome to my home on the internet.  So glad you're here!

We're talking about all things spring, but spoiler alert...I live in Seattle.  It won't be spring for at least another month, possibly two.  The Pacific Northwest doesn't know how to check a calendar, and our seasons are always behind.

Even though it's not full on spring, there are two things we can count on this time of year:  daffodils and cherry blossoms.

I truly can't believe these beauties survived.  They started to sprout in late January, right before our mega snow storms hit.  The next few weeks saw them completely covered in two feet of the white stuff.  Once it melted, they said "oh, hey", and resumed growing.  Pretty sure there's a metaphor in there for how I should be doing my life.

And the cherry blossom trees.  They are literally planted everywhere, and though their season is short, it's breathtaking to see them in full bloom.

Last year - we're not quite there yet.

Once spring finally arrives, there's nowhere more beautiful than Seattle.  All that rain makes the flowers very happy, so once the sun comes out, they return the favor.

What's spring like where you live?  Has it arrived yet?

Next, hop on over to Deena's blog to see spring in the far north of Saskatchewan, Canada.


  1. We have noting blooming yet but with the pretty sunset, I think at least Spring says she’s a coming. Pretty pictures.

  2. Oh man, look at those beautiful flowers!

  3. That's how we are too, Lana. But it's always pretty when the flowers give us a sneak peak!!

  4. Well consider me really wanting to go to PNW one day! One day.
    So we have something similar. Spring is mostly here around May although the last two Mays have been terrible. And everyone here complains EVERY YEAR that it snows in March and April. Well - duh! Of course it does! Every year. Gah, why do I live here?

  5. Oh my goodness, all those blooms are just beautiful! Spring looks amazing in your neck of the woods. I would love to have flowers half that pretty in my yard!

  6. The cherry blossoms are gorgeous! It always makes me happy to see flowers on trees.

  7. Oh my gosh, you have the most beautiful garden. I don't have much of a green thumb but I can truly appreciate the beauty of a garden like this. I would just want to sit in it in the morning with my coffee and book, and in the late afternoon with a nice fizzy drink. So pretty.

  8. Those daffodils are amazing! I suck at keeping anything alive!

  9. Wow! The cherry blossoms are gorgeous! Definitely gets you in the mood for spring!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

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