My New Happy: TBB Asks: Entertainment Edition

Monday, May 7, 2018

TBB Asks: Entertainment Edition

Welcome to another month of TBB Asks.  We're talking about all things entertainment today - hope you'll join us and link up!

1/ Comedy or Drama?  I like them both, but as I've gotten older, I'd rather see an uplifting comedy.

2/ Fiction or Non-Fiction?  Fiction is my favorite, but I'm also partial to biographies and autobiographies.

3/ Movies in theater or at home?  Depends on how lazy I'm feeling!  That being said, we have a few new theaters with the recliner seats, so it's the best of both worlds.

4/ Musical or Play?  Musical!  I wish I could see them all.  "Mamma Mia" is my most favorite to date with "Spamalot" a close second.

5/ Which meal of the day is your favorite to eat out?  Breakfast.

6/ Favorite book ever read?  So many books, so hard to choose.  Today I'm going with "Jonathan Livingston Seagull".

7/ Game night?  Yes!  

8/ Fave outside game?  When I was little, we played "kick the can" for hours on end.  Croquet is also fun.  And golf.  And catching fireflies.  Is that a game?

9/ Favorite TV series ever?  "Murphy Brown" was so, so, so, so good.  And it's coming back!  I also loved "Mad About You".  I've heard it might be coming back too.

10/ TV of today or growing up?  Honestly, I have such fondness for TV shoes from my youth.  I remember sneaking out of my room when my parents were watching "Sonny and Cher".  The first show I was allowed to stay up and watch was "The Love Boat" - but never "Fantasy Island", which came on afterwards, because it was too "racy".  According to my mother.

11/ Mini golf or bowling?  So hard to choose!  But I'll pick miniature golf.  I'm great at putting.

12/ Favorite movie theater candy?  I love to put M&M's in my popcorn.

13/ How do you like your popcorn?  Salty and buttery.

14/ 3D glasses yes or no?  No.  They give me a headache.

15/ Fave book genre?  Murder mystery.

Be sure to come back next week for Favorite Books, TV and Movies.  Can't wait to read your suggestions!


  1. Ahh Kick the Can and catching fireflies, now those were the days!! Have a super sweet start to your week!

  2. My best friend and I saw Mama Mia on Broadway in NY! Would you believe that I enjoyed the movie better?! Did you know they are coming out with a Mama Mia 2 this summer?! I can't wait to take Alise!

    1. Can't wait to see Mama Mia 2 - but they better not mess with Meryl Streep!

  3. Haha about Fantasy Island being too racy!! My mom wouldn't let me see the Blue Lagoon because of the same reason!!

    1. Yep, I definitely didn't get to see Blue Lagoon either!

  4. I loved Mama Mia, too! I've seen it twice. The movie wasn't as good but I'm still excited for the second one to come out!

  5. Hahahahaha, I love that you couldn't watch Fantasy Island because it was racy! That's just proof of how out of whack our society has gotten. Now there are commercials that are racier! Crazy, right? When we were kids tv shows had decent values and now everything should be R rated. I'll go the movies anytime with you and sit in reclining seats and eat buttery, salty popcorn with M&M's and then read murder mysteries afterwards!!!

  6. I forgot about Murphy Brown but I loved that show!

  7. I don't think I've ever played Kick the Can! I love Mama Mia! I just love pretty much any musical, but I def. have my faves. Ahh, now I'm craving some buttery popcorn. I really don't care for 3D movies either!


  8. Sigh...the good old days of kick the can. I've turned into my Mother saying, "The good old days." It was bound to happen.


  9. I saw Spamalot too! I was so hoping that Tim Curry would come out to meet fans but he didn't! Jeff Goldblum came out from another play and he was rude!
    I like popcorn with lots of butter. Yum. And I love the movies but sometimes I get my anxiety in them. I've always managed it well, though.

    1. I've heard that about Jeff Goldblum - too bad. We saw Spamalot in NYC and it was the most magical experience!

  10. I love a good murder mystery! Also, I'm so jealous your area has a nice theatre! There isn't one anywhere close to us where you can lean back! All the theaters are old! My town needs to step it up! lol

  11. We need to go on a breakfast adn then movie date. The end.

  12. I've always wanted to see a firefly. They look so cool on tv. So after you catch them, then what? Yes to the fancy theaters, makes it so much better. Although let's just go to Deena's when it's done.

    1. We used to catch them in a jar and then release them when we had a few. Yes to Deena's!

  13. Mamma Mia is one of my favorites. My friends dragged me to it in Vegas and I thought it was an ABBA concert. I was pleasantly surprised that it was in fact like a romantic comedy with music i already knew!

  14. Kick the Can, so good. I am glad you reminded me of that so that we can teach the kids and their friends at the lake. We LOVE games, both outdoors and indoors. I really enjoy reading these little posts and getting to know you ladies. I just wrote a post about books, that I will link up next week! Have a great day!


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