My New Happy: TBB Asks: Spring Edition

Monday, April 2, 2018

TBB Asks: Spring Edition

Happy Monday!  Time to link up with The Blended Blog for another TBB Asks.  This month, it's all about spring.  It's hard to feel very springlike - during Easter brunch today it was hailing, and right now my son is driving home in a blizzard.  Sigh.  Eventually spring will come, but for now all we can do is dream...

1/ Most of the pastels, although I'm partial to yellow, blue and pink.

2/ A pretty pair of sandals or booties.  Now that Lent is over I can do a little shopping!   I love these but they might be too tall for me.

3/ Heavy sweaters.  They're packed up until next fall.

4/ My husband DETESTS yard work.  The boys did the mowing as soon as they were old enough, but now it's George's job again.  He is not happy.

5/ Early spring is a mess.  Snow, hail, thunder, rain, a little sunshine - all in one day.  But give it a month and it will be beautiful.

6/ The fresh smell in the air.  A new start.  Less rain and gray days.

7/  I'm kind of a neat freak so things stay pretty clean year round.  I do like to have the windows done in the spring.

8/ Not really, although when our friends give us first baseline, front row tickets to the Mariners, I'm all in.  I was a little worried about being killed by a foul ball, but other than that, pretty cool.

9/ We have both in our yard, but tulips are my favorite.

10/ Hiking.  We have to wait for the snow level to go up a bit, but then we'll be out any weekend we can.

11/ Both.  Wave petunias in the garden beds and hanging baskets on the porch.

12/ Blue Jays.  Does that make up for not loving baseball, Deena?

13/ Depends on whether my slaves the boys are home or not.

14/ As soon as it stops hailing/snowing/raining all in the same day!

Have a wonderful week, friends, and pray for spring!  Hope you'll link up with us below...

Let's Channel all those Spring weather vibes with our April Edition of TBB ASKS. Please link up your Q&A post on this All Things Spring topic!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Love your petunias. Still winter here in Indiana too and I am craving some warmth. I wondered if your boy came home. I only got to see one college boy one day as he had to get back. Ha ha, you slaves, aka boys, I know that answer, lol. Have a wonderful day!

    1. It was our first Easter alone - Conner went over to visit his brother at college. I can't wait to get my flowers planted - but it's definitely too cold still!

  2. I never planted wave petunias in beds just pots, maybe this year, they look great!

    1. Some years they wave, and some years they don't!

  3. lol- it sure does. I'll go to a Mariners game anyday with you.

  4. Look at all those beautiful flowers!!! Oh I wish my yard looked liked that! We're about to lose our yard help next year when Collin heads off to school, lol!

    1. The advantage of all that rain is pretty flowers!

  5. Wow! Your garden is so pretty! It is nice and filled in and lots of color. Just love!!! I need to work on one particular bed in my yard this year. I hope it turns out. I always get lots of wave petunias for my pots. I love those things and they're so hardy! I have a similar pair of open toed booties like that pair pictured, but the heel is even higher! I really only use them for blog photos! lol! I need to find a similar pair with a lower heel.


    1. I'm afraid if I get the booties I'll never wear them because they're too high. I should probably look for something else. All the rain we get in spring makes for some pretty gardens!

  6. Fun! I love those shoes as well but it’s been years since I’ve worn heels well!
    My favorite bird is a bluebird or Scarlet macaw or hummingbird. I don’t know how to narrow it down?!

    1. I love all the birds too. Hummingbirds are so fun to watch!

  7. I love all the flowers here and tulips are my fave too. Poor George...he might have to hire someone to do the yard.

    1. I keep telling him to hire a gardener but he's too stubborn!

  8. We both hate yard work too, which was one HUGE reason we ended up downsizing to a townhome!! And neither of us miss it at all!!

  9. Oh, I do love Spring but it's usually quite wet and messy out. I'm ready to be outside more!


  10. Pastels remind me of spring also! I love pastels on my skin. I’m all about the booties now-a-days, they are cute and usually easy to walk in. I gave up coffee for lent and weirdly I don’t even want a cup now, it’s the strangest thing lol. I’m excited about baseball but terrified about foul ball dangers. The MLB really needs to require all stadiums have netting, it’s getting scary out there.

  11. tulips all around!!
    how cute are those booties? I'm not sure how I don't have any like that, maybe this will be the year.
    hahaha Blue Jays - they are pretty birds

  12. Tulips! So pretty. I've been looking for a similar pair of booties, but haven't found "the ones" yet. Wish me luck!!!


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