My New Happy: State Of The Blog

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

State Of The Blog

This past year has been a difficult one for many reasons.  In recent days I've been casting a critical eye on the events of 2014, including the creation of this blog.  Two Teens And Their Mama has been a bright spot in my world, and has started me on a path of reevaluating what I want to do with the rest of my life.

When I began blogging eight months ago I had no idea what I was getting into.  I wanted to write, but as any blogger knows, there is so much more to it than that. Design, social media, link ups, cultivating a readership - it's a lot of work.  But the friendships I've made and the things I've learned make every moment worthwhile.

Having said that, as I approach one year of blogging, it's time to make some changes.  I just wish I knew what they should be!  I definitely want to update the overall visual design.  As I was brainstorming ideas for a new home page, I realized that the name of my blog will become incorrect in 2015.  When my older son turns 20 in March, I won't be a mama to two teens anymore.  Obviously I didn't think that through when I started, but I don't know if I should tinker with the name or not.

I would also like to change some of the things I'm writing about.  My purpose in blogging is twofold:  as a creative outlet for myself, and to provide some sort of value to the people who take the time to come here and read.  I would like to continue writing about the journey to overcome my anxieties and be braver, as that is very therapeutic for me. I enjoy sharing things that I do with my family, and since fashion is my passion, I will keep writing about that.

I know that I need to focus more on social media since I'm pretty new to Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram, and using them will grow my readership, but where do I find the time? Maybe it means writing fewer days a week?

I would welcome any suggestions or constructive criticism.  If there is something you like, or anything you don't, please let me know in the comments.

So much has changed in a year.  I could never have imagined how wonderful this new world would be, and I'm so glad to be part of a community of bloggers who have become treasured friends.  Thanks to each and every person who visits, reads, or leaves a comment.  I can't wait to see what 2015 brings.


  1. Hi Lana... for me I ended up blogging less so that I could fit time in for reading, commenting and social media...

    I find this works for me but we each have own path to follow... I look forward to seeing your changes... I'm looking at giving my blog another facelift but I always need help for that ♡.... Good luck and Happy New Year again ♡♡♡

    1. Thanks so much for commenting. I think that blogging less days would be a good thing - but since I've been writing six days a week, I'm scared to take the first step!

  2. Social media can be time consuming and I think it helps if you pick one or two that you want to focus on. I look forward to seeing your changes in 2015! Have a Happy New Year Lana!

    Doused In Pink

    1. Thanks Jill. I agree - I can't handle all of them. Now I just need to decide which ones to focus on.

  3. Change is always a good but often difficult thing to go through. I just recently changed my blogging platform from TypePad to Wordpress and I won't catch up on everything that still needs to be fixed for probably another year. My case was exceptional though since TypePad makes it very difficult to leave.

    I enjoy the variety you have on your blog. It always feels like I'm sitting down having a coffee with you.

    I am very lame when it comes to social media since like you, I find I devote all of my time to my blog even though I have reduced the amount of times I post from 6 days a week to 2 or 3. I still find it hard to comment on the blogs I like and also comment or engage in conversations on FB, Twitter and I have refused to start Instagram simply because I don't have the time.

    If you find the magic answer to all of this please share!

    Have a wonderful New Year!


    1. Suzanne, thanks so much for your nice comment. I want to continue the variety because there are so many things I like writing about. There definitely is no magic answer :)!

  4. I will be echoing some of these same thoughts in a post of my own Lana, as I am struggling with many of the same issues. Six days a week is too many posts for me to keep up with everything else - and I suspect it is hard for my readers to find time to read them all as well! I just can't decide which days to post (G. Analytics might be helpful, IF I could figure out how to decipher it!)

    That being said, every day since we discovered each others's blogs, I have looked forward to visiting your blog and seeing what you have posted! I would miss that daily treat!

    Rather than change the name of your blog, could you please figure out how to keep our kids from getting older!! I think you could get away with keeping the name, because that was who you were when you started your blog ... but if you are going to change it, probably the sooner the better. I think it would affect your google search ratings for a while ... but I'm not really sure how that works. I do think your readers would follow you no matter what the blog is called!

    I enjoy all the topics you write about - and the variety. I can't wait to seeing what your next "growth spurt" will bring!

    1. Thank you Susan - I have always appreciated your support and kindness. I look forward to reading your blog everyday and always head there first.

  5. Time is the issue, it really is. I think it all boils down to what the objective of your blog is. Once you have pinpointed why you are blogging, the rest should unfold more easily. Best to you in 2015!

  6. I empathize! 'Blogging' with all of its social ramifications is very time-consuming! More than I can handle some days. I choose to post every day. It's good for me. And read other blogs when I have the time. I have several favourites (of which you are one) that I try to follow regularly, but the rest, I do when I have the time. Looking forward to changes. And continuation!

    1. Thank you Diane for the kind words. Your blog is also one of my favorites and I look forward to every one of your stories.

  7. Hi Lana, I blog at least 2 to 3 days a week that work well for me and then promote myself on the SM that I like to pertain to my blog post! I like the name of your blog but that is your decision. I wish you a lot of luck with it all as it is not easy! I have thought about changing the look so many times of my blog but can never decide on what to change it to after 2 years of blogging so I have kept the same look! LOL! I feel like we are all in the same boat at times. Good luck with everything. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Julie. I'd really like to redesign the look of my blog, but I agree that it's hard to decide on a change.

  8. Good luck! I paid someone to set up my blog. I do try to set aside time for social media as well.

    1. I think I might pay someone to help me with the redesign.

  9. You have spoken some of my same thoughts, Lana, as 2015 is knocking on the door. :)

  10. I'm in the same boat! I don't want to JUST write about Alzheimer's and Caregiving so as I've taken this week off I've been overhauling as I go. I've mainly got MMB finished but since it's a travel blog there won't be many changes there. Just a new look and a new photo gallery. I've also decided once a week isn't enough so I'm going up to 2. TDAC is where my biggest changes are going on. Same look just getting rid of the Christmas stuff. I've went through and cleared out some older posts and freshening up some as well as scheduling posts throughout the whole year. The biggest things are the categories. There is so much I want to write about so I've added some and taken some away. I'm not going so far as changing the name but I would be happt to help you. I'm definitely not a "professional"but I've done all my own work. I love the designing part of blogging, I'm constantly changing things up. When I started last January I was on Blogger then I switched to Wordpress and it really wasn't hard at all. Let me know if you need any help. I'll be back on the blog Monday and I'm going to try 3 days there so thats 5 total. Weekends are off limits lol!

    1. I need to work on making weekends off limits too. I will definitely take you up on some help!

  11. I love that you talk about overcoming anxieties and being braver. Story of my life!
    I am not one for criticism. I tend to gravitate towards bloggers who have a true voice, and you do. I hope people give great advice! I also like bloggers who give back to fellow bloggers and you do that too.

    1. Thank you Tamara, I really appreciate your positive comment. I think it's hard sometimes to maintain our true voice, but it's very important to me.

  12. I'm so glad you started this blog and I have you in my life. Can't wait to see what changes are in store!

    1. Me too!!! So glad we met - one of the best parts of my year!

  13. Wow, this post really hits home. I have so many different directions I want to take my blog. The fashion posting is fun but I want to do something a little meatier. I am new to Twitter, too, and have to keep updating my password because I can't remember it from one tweet to the next. Maybe we can hold each others hands as we progress with our blogs this year!

    1. Leslie, you are such a kind, wonderful new friend! So glad we have met through this blogging journey. I like the idea of progressing on together!

  14. Love this idea of assessing where you are in the new year. I'll be interested to see what changes you decide to make. I always enjoy your posts and think that no matter what name you choose, your followers will come along too! Happy New Year to you! :)

    1. Thanks Marie! I appreciate the compliment - and I'm so glad to see you've been back to blogging again!

  15. Well, I've started several blogs and found either they didn't fit anymore, or my ex found them. I think I have finally settled into home with this one. It's something that I feel is good for life...the art of what makes life beautiful. It covers so much, and it includes so much of what I love and have loved for years. It's me. I think it takes time finding that. It's a process. The part that I hate is the aging a new domain name and all the seo cred we have been building. I think there is a way to redirect, but I never did it with my old blogs. I would now, because I've worked so hard on this one, but I never see moving from it.

    And you are right. There is so much to blogging. I want to redesign mine, too. But now we're back to that time thing again. I can't wait to see where you go and what you do this year. Happy New Year, Lana! May this be our best yet!

    1. Thank you so much for the nice comment! I hope you keep writing your current blog, because I enjoy it so much. Happy New Year to you as well!


Reading your comments is one of the best parts of blogging! I read and appreciate them all!

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