My New Happy: It's My SITS Day!

Monday, October 20, 2014

It's My SITS Day!

It's like my birthday, only better. It's my SITS Day!

For those of you visiting from the SITS Girls site, welcome to my home on the internet. I spent the weekend spiffing things up!  I hope you'll stick around awhile and see what I'm all about.

And for my friends who don't know what SITS is - let me tell you!  SITS Girls (aka The Secret is In The Sauce) was founded in 2008 as a space where bloggers could gather together for online support, to grow their tribe, and to find sponsored opportunities.  If you haven't visited there, take a moment and do it now.  I head to their website at least once a day, and they always have the best information for bloggers both new and seasoned.

Thank you again for stopping by.  I'm off to make myself a SITS day cupcake - and I always share!


  1. Congratulations to you! Happy SITS day! :)

  2. Congratulations Lana! Happy, happy SITS Day! Everyone who visits your blog is sure to love it!

  3. Congratulations on being advertised on a different website. Being just a reader and not a blogger, the market of female bloggers is astounding. It's like a sea of Tupperware parties with anecdotes. Glad your enjoying the process. It's fun to read about you.

  4. I love SITS girls:-) Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Style Delights Blog

  5. Yay! For you! I love the SITS GIRL website and use it quite a bit. I had my day a couple of weeks ago and it was so exciting! I'm sure anyone who stops by will love your blog as much as us regular folks do!

  6. I love cupcakes. Stopping by from SITs.

    1. I think they should be their own food group! Thank you!

  7. I enjoyed poking about your site. Happy SITS Day!

    Rachel recently wrote Gremblins Got You Trembling?

  8. I've never hear of them before! I will check their page!!! Thank you for this post!!!!

  9. Congrats on your SITS Day! Very happy for you :-)

  10. I know I'm a bit late here, but Happy SITS Day!! I'm so happy you had one and I hope it was wonderful. My first SITS Day gave me so many new readers/friends.


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