My New Happy: Well, I Finally Did It

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Well, I Finally Did It

I'm so excited for my very first blog post.  I have been wanting to start a blog for awhile, but I couldn't seem to find the time, and frankly, I wasn't sure what to write about.  However, as my two teenage sons (who shall be known in the blog world as C and T) have gotten older, my mom role has started to change, and I find myself with more free time than I've had for 19 years!  

Whenever friends and I get together for coffee (or in my case, diet coke - you will start to see a pattern here), we always end up talking at some point about the challenges and joys of raising teenagers, and where we go from here.  One day I thought...that's what I could blog about!

My boys are growing up and moving onto the next stage of their lives, so I guess it's time for me to grow a little too.  Even though I'm so proud of them and excited to see where their paths lead, I have to admit that I've been feeling very sorry for myself.  I would almost go so far as to say heart broken, but that seems a bit dramatic, doesn't it?  I know that I will always be their mom, and they will always need me, but my role in their lives is definitely changing.  Still wonderful....but different.  

In my former life, before becoming a stay at home mom and partner in our hardware business, I got a B.A. in Clothing and Textiles from Washington State University, and I worked for many years in the fashion industry.  Once I started working from home, I am embarrassed to admit that I wore sweats almost every single day. Sometimes I even stayed in my pj's - I'm pretty sure nobody but me enjoyed those days, but they were too nice to tell me!  It's so easy to fall into the frump rut, and trust me, I've been deep in the rut :).  

But I'm finding that it's just as easy to look pretty, stylish and put together, and I feel so much better when I do! There is nothing like wearing a pretty outfit to make you feel good about yourself.  My plan is to blog about my closet at least once a week and showcase some fun and simple ways to look fabulous!  Join me as I try to get my style back :).

Speaking of which, one of my favorite sites is Get Your Pretty On.  Alison has a wonderful blog filled with great ideas for affordable everyday style, and she even shows you how to put things together.  She has been a major inspiration to me as I try to get my style back.  Right now, she is hosting a Spring Style Challenge that I'm so excited about.  Click here to sign up and get a jump start on a whole new spring style.

Thank you for reading along on my very first post.  My plan is to blog about parenting teenagers, getting through perimenopause, things I love, fashion and beauty, and of course, what's going on with my family!  I hope you'll come back soon.....Lana

Get Your Pretty On


  1. Hi Lana! You are off to a wonderful start! I loved getting to know more about you and why you're starting your blog. Looking forward to following along on your journey! Thanks so much for the shout out.

    1. Alison-
      Thank you SO much for visiting my blog. I really do appreciate it so much. Have a great week!

  2. Hi Lana. Congratulations on starting your blog! I am pretty new to this as well - my blog is only 3 weeks old. As a parent of two teenagers also, I can really relate to your comments about your mom role changing and it being time for you to grow a little too. Our blogs seem to offer a perfect opportunity to do just that. Looking forward to getting to know you better, and I look forward to your future posts. Hope you will pay a visit to my blog "the most - - of every moment" and say hello!

    1. Susan - Thank you so much for checking out my blog. I appreciate your kind words. I just visited your site and I love it! This will be a fun journey :)

  3. Hi Lana! Thanks for stopping by my blog today and commenting. It sounds like you have lots of material to cover. My kids are toddlers, so more free time sounds great to me, but when it happens I will probably be a little sad too. I hope blogging brings you lots of joy!

    1. Susan-
      I appreciate you coming over and taking a look at my blog. I'm having so much fun using my creative side again.

  4. I'm doing the style challenge too!! Isn't it fun? I haven't gotten up the nerve to post any selfies yet. Working on that. :)

    1. I'm having so much fun! I get so excited when Alison sends out the outfit for the next day. My selfie taking skills are horrible :)


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